Orcaflex matlab interface
Orcaflex matlab interface

orcaflex matlab interface

The easiest way to drive OrcaFlex through OrcFxAPI is using our interface to MATLAB and the Python scripting language – both are included in the OrcaFlex installation.

orcaflex matlab interface

For example you can write programs to automate post-processing or that use OrcaFlex as a statics calculation engine.

#Orcaflex matlab interface windows

OrcFxAPI is a Windows dynamic link library (DLL) that is installed with OrcaFlex, and which provides facilities for programatically setting data, calculating static positions and extracting results from those calculations or from pre-run simulation files. OrcaFlex includes a well-documented programming interface called OrcFxAPI (short for OrcaFlex Application Program Interface).Models can define post calculation actions which are executed after batch analyses.

orcaflex matlab interface

The OrcaFlex spreadsheet mentioned above also has facilities for automating the production of batch script files and text data files. The simulations can either be of pre-prepared data files, or else can be specified by a batch script file that defines the simulation as variations on a base data file. The batch processing facility enables you to run a set of simulations in unattended mode, for example as an overnight job.You can then use the normal Excel calculation facilities to do your own customised post-processing and graphing. OrcaFlex is supplied with a special Excel spreadsheet which enables you to automate the extraction of simulation results into your own spreadsheet.OrcaFlex provides several important facilities for automating and post-processing work:

Orcaflex matlab interface