Panzer corps campaign walkthrough
Panzer corps campaign walkthrough

panzer corps campaign walkthrough

“Spanish Nationalist units will attack the nearest hostile victory hex.” When issuing orders to the AI, note message prompt says lines such as:

#Panzer corps campaign walkthrough full#

Artillery is very useful at suppressing enemies and destroying their entrenchment rating, and your AI allies will take full advantage of your artillery bombardments!Īnd if they are advancing too far ahead of your forces, changing their orders to hold position is a good wait to tell them to sit and wait, while you ready your own forces for the next offensive. AI is happy to assault entrenched positions if you soften up those positions with artillery fire before the Spanish Nationalist turn. It’s also mostly your job to deal with enemy counter attack, especially tanks and vehicles the Spanish infantry are not equipped to deal with. While AI Infantry attack entrenched enemies and destroy AT guns, you can perform flanking attacks against support units such as artillery and air defense units. The purpose of AI ally is to cooperate with it. The user interface function to interact with friendly AI units can be found in the bottom right corner of the screen as a small triangle. So be extra careful with these very special reward units! How do I issues orders to the AI controlled Nationalist Spanish Infantry units in the Spanish Civil War Campaign? Be warned though, if a Gift unit is ever fully destroyed, there is no getting it back. Galland just might get that squadron of Spitfires he requested after all these years! A gift is yours to keep indefinitely, and overstrength as you see fit. A gift unit can come from any nation’s equipment table… including enemy aircraft. A gift will always be a unit you cannot ordinarily purchase, sort of like a Prototype unit. A gift unit has NO spare part limitation, like a CORE unit. A gift unit behaves like a combination of CORE and Prototype by keeping the best traits of both. Gifts is the primary replacing mechanism over Prototypes. Their implementation is the weakest link, because unlike captured units, there is no way a player can go and hunt for ‘more spare parts.’ Which brings us to…Į. Of course if you don’t continue to capture enemy units on your own, you will eventually run out of spare parts.ĭ. This should greatly increase the ability of players to field captured units without immediately worrying about running out of spare parts. Captured units retain their limited spare part supply of the base Panzer Corps 2 game, with one extremely important caveat: It’s now possible to earn huge stockpiles of captured spare parts as rewards for turning in Commendation Points. A very popular tactic of Spanish Civil War testers is to rely heavily on supporting Italian CTV units to bolster their early scenario fighter air force before swapping over to much more potent and permanent He-112s and Bf-109Bs as they arrive toward the middle of the Spanish Civil War.Ĭ. These units provide temporary increase to your army strength on any given scenario.

panzer corps campaign walkthrough

AUXtypically is for nations also assigned for your use, such as Italy. COREof course is your primary nation, and you have unlimited supply of units available.ī. How do Commendation Point rewards interact with existing capture and prototype systems?īest way to describe the way it works is that units exist in 5 degrees.ĬORE, AUX, Captured, Prototype, and Gift.Ī.

panzer corps campaign walkthrough

At various points in the campaign, offers will be made to players who have earned enough Commendation Points… offers of fantastic bounties of captured equipment, special prototype units, and possibly even access to famous and legendary historical aces and officers of the war. As you complete bonus objectives, you’ll earn Commendation Points. We’ve even implemented a new currency system to handle this interaction. If you really want to see some very unique rewards and bonuses, you’ll want to push yourself to accomplish the far more difficult and varied bonus objectives. This is the lowest degree of victory though, and is suitably easy to achieve. Every scenario has a basic objective that you must complete to progress the campaign. Rather than have every mission be a binary ‘win or lose’, we’ve added more variety. Missions types such as rescue, escort, interception, mine laying, and others have been spread out across the campaign.Īnd the way we’ve balanced this is by bringing back Degrees of Victory. While we’ll still make appropriate use of this mission type occasionally, players will also see a lot more objective variety moving forward.

Panzer corps campaign walkthrough